Mass Updates

Did you know that Mass Updates can be used to update records in bulk? Often, people use CSV imports for updating large quantities of records, such as Sales Orders and Customer Deposits. A time-consuming aspect of CSV imports is the need to create a Saved Search to identify the specific records, before feeding this data back into NetSuite. With Mass Updates, you can bypass the step of exporting data first!

As a bonus, you can link a script to the Mass Update if you have complex logic to run.

Mass Updates are fairly easy to use and can be done in two easy steps.

  1. Define your criteria for locating the records to update (Criteria)

  2. Configure the values for the fields you want to update (Mass Update Fields)

You can also save Mass Update for future use.

If you require assistance with bulk record updates or need help cleaning records before loading them into NetSuite or another system, don't hesitate to contact us. In cases where complexities extend beyond NetSuite, requiring external data handling, our team brings years of experience in data wrangling using Python (programming language). We’d be happy to help!


Form Entry to Sales Order


NetSuite Consulting Services